Sorry to be away for so long, we had a family crisis. Our boy Max became ill again after the new year. Max can develop chronic constipation at anytime, even though he has had a subtotal colectomy. For cats a colectomy removes the large intestine so things don't have to travel so far. Well he became blocked again, after weeks of home manipulation with our vet, increase lactalose, Cisipride (Propulsid which moves the bowel and is compounded for him special) and miralax still nothing. So on MLK birthday weekend we took him too the emergency clinic, he was there for 18 hrs, for enemas and fluids, they got a lot out, but he still had stool left. We spent alot in that week alone, and he had gone through so much, he such a trooper and stays sweet through it all. I called my vet and made the decision to have him put to sleep. Our vet said lets try one more thing, so she kept him, she got him pooping and set him on strict schedule, which we stick too.
He came home with such a sore rump, but he made it. He has actually lost a little weight on this new regime and the others are use to it. He gets fluids 100cc 3 times a week (part of his problem is this cat will not drink, just a little) aslo he gets his lactalose and cisipride 3 times a day, and miralax 1/4 tsp. He also gets a probiotic once a day. For a while we were giving too much lactalose so he was doing liquid alot, so we cut the dose back. I have to record all he does. Good thing I'm a nurse by trade :)
Here's my boy, looking alot happier.. But in February I had dental surgery, which Im still getting over, but the back gums are better, still on a soft diet.
On top of all this and the snow, I have gotten some stitching done..
Hope, Peace and Love |
Jan Houtman's 9-11 |
I have not done as much as I would like, I have had so much to catch up on since Max's illness. I still have taxes to do. But I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things and feeling more comfortable about Max.
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