I'm really pleased with my little medallions worked out well for filler. I just need to finish the border around his name, and add the child of, at the bottom. My goddaughter (mom of Max) and Max are coming over next Tuesday, so I should have it ready for her. Then wait to you see the pinks and greens for Madison's.
Now for 9-11, I'm on the last page of the top row of border medallions, when that is done then it will be on the two rows of the alphabet. This picture doesn't show the subtle variegation of the black or brown, but it is so lovely.
As I said before if you haven't tried gumnuts silk threads (Stars) before, they might be worth a look. They are bit pricey, but the skeins are 6 ply 8.75 yards. I usually get mine from InStitches or AP Needlearts. Here is a sample card. You notice they are described as softly shaded, instead variegated, but that is what makes so wonderful if your looking for a soft color effect.
Now please bear with me on the cat pictures. I gave my husband a new digital Nikon last year for his birthday. It has all the bells and whistles, so he plays with different programing when he shoots pictures. Since I won't let him take pictures of me, he gets to use the cats as guinea pigs.
Here is Lucy and Sasha, they are both beauties, don't you think..
Thanks for stopping by....
Jean Currently Reading: Bonhoeffer, and Watching: Masterpiece Theater, Upstairs/Downstairs