I have completely switched direction again, I don't why or what for, just decided a week a go out of the blue to try stitching Jan Houtman's 9-11 "over one". Now I have tried this sampler several times over one, and never went to far... don't know why just never did, which seems odd since I like stitching over one. My first ever stitching was Needlepoint, which is "over one" so it seems natural to me.
So here it is one page done..
Jan Houtman 9-11, Over One, 28ct White Cashel and HDF Silks |
I want to wish all my friends, family and fellow bloggers a Happy Memorial Day!! being natives of the DC Metro area we know better than try to go anywhere. However, I did get my doo done and we went to Walmart and did some other errands. We also had planned on going to Woodlawn to see the Needlework Show. If your not familiar you can check it out on the
here. I really want to see a fellow stitcher's work, by the name John K, who is in the DC area and does outstanding work. If we don't get there tomorrow, we will go next weekend, for sure.
Memorial Day seems to be all around me for some reason this year. I have been in contact with Arlington National Cemetery to get my parents stone repaired and changed. I approached them on the fact that since my father had been a survivor of Pearl Harbor, could that be put on his side of the stone. (my mother died last and her info is on the back). So I have dug out my Dad's Military Records and have located the info that proves he was on the USS Medusa at the time of the attack. The USS Medusa is Repair Ship moored next to the USS Utah. The Medusa was hit by torpedo below and from the air. I am waiting for a reply. Hopefully this won't take forever to accomplish.
So I would like to this moment to remember those we have have served and are still serving, in all conflicts either on US soil or overseas... and especially those who have had a direct impact on my life and made me who I am....
Dad, CPO SKC Bernard J. Cantley, USN
My FIL LTC Allan W. Phelps, USAF
I will leave you now with Lucy....
Wow! It looks spectacular over one! Beautiful! Lovely pics of your dad. Happy Memorial Day.